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How do I bring someone’s attention to a text I just sent in a text channel?

To tag someone in Discord:

  1. Open the Discord app on your device.

  2. Click on the server or channel where you want to tag the person.

  3. Type the "@" symbol followed by the person's username in the text box where you want to tag them. For example, if their username is "JohnDoe," you would type "@JohnDoe" to tag them.

  4. Once you have typed the username, a list of matching users will appear below the text box. You can select the correct user from the list by clicking on their name.

  5. The person you have tagged will receive a notification that you have mentioned them in a message.

Tagging someone in Discord is a useful way to get their attention and make sure that they see your message.

How do I bring someone’s attention to a text I just sent in a text channel?
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